RDV Category Image

For RDV Category Image plugin support please create a topic on the WordPress support page.

Template tag – image url

RDV Category Image is a WordPress plugin. This plugin allows you to set an image to a category, tag, or any custom taxonomies. Please review the code snippets below to display a category image on the category page template or any page or post.

Use this code to get the category image url and use it in an image tag.

Note: you will need to create a category.php template file in your child theme and insert the code.

  echo rdv_category_image_url();

Example with img tag

  $image_url = rdv_category_image_url();
  echo '<img src="'.$image_url.'" />';

Get image URL with any specific thumbnail size. Change the “thumbnail” as available in your theme.

  echo rdv_category_image_url(NULL, 'thumbnail');

Get a list of all categories in loop. You edit HTML desding as per your need.

Note: you will need to create a custom page template file in your child theme and insert this code.

<div style="display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); grid-gap: 30px;">
    <?php foreach (get_categories() as $cat) : 
        $count = count(get_categories());
        if( function_exists('rdv_category_image_url') && rdv_category_image_url($cat->term_id) != '') {
            <div style="border: 1px solid #000000;">
                <img src="<?php if (function_exists( 'rdv_category_image_url')){ echo rdv_category_image_url($cat->term_id, 'thumbnail');} ?>" width="100%" />
                <a href="<?php echo get_category_link($cat->term_id); ?>"><?php echo $cat->cat_name; ?></a>
                Posts in this category --> <?php echo $cat->count; ?>
    <?php }
    endforeach; ?>

Template tag – image

Note: you will need to create a category.php template file in your child theme and insert the code.

Use this code in the category template file to display the category image.


Use this code in the category template file to display the category image with any specific thumbnail size. Change the “thumbnail” as available in your theme.

  rdv_category_image(NULL, "thumbnail");


Note: if you are using any page builder like Divi and Elementor then you can use a shortcode in the page builder’s category template.

Use the shortcode in page or post or a page builder template to display a category image. The basic shortcode without attributes will only work on the category template page to display a specific category image. Use shortcode attributes term_id and size to display a specific category image and size.

[rdv_category_image term_id="10"]
[rdv_category_image size="thumbnail"]
[rdv_category_image term_id="10" size="thumbnail"]